Rodeo Activity

Cost: $28 per person + Money for food Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Oct. 5th at 4pm. For questions, please see Mrs. Lalman or Miss Sears.

Del’Osso Farms Corn Maze

Cost: $35 per person + Money for Food Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Oct. 19th at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. & Mrs. Sloan or Miss Sears.

Bowling Activity

Cost: $35 per person *We will need a minimum of 30 people for this activity. Tickets must be purchased by tomorrow - Thursday, Nov. 2nd at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. Romero or Miss Sears.

Great America Winter Fest Activity

Cost: $28 per person Tickets must be purchased by Tuesday, Nov. 28th at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. Romero or Miss Sears.

Hockey Game

Cost: $25 per person Tickets must be purchased by Wednesday, February 7th at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. Flood or Miss Sears.