Ice Skating Activity

Cost: $25 per person Tickets must be purchased by Friday, the 29th at 2pm. Tickets are limited, so purchase yours today! For questions, please see Bro. Galvan or Miss Sears.

Rodeo Activity

Cost: $28 per person + Money for food Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Oct. 5th at 4pm. For questions, please see Mrs. Lalman or Miss Sears.

Del’Osso Farms Corn Maze

Cost: $35 per person + Money for Food Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, Oct. 19th at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. & Mrs. Sloan or Miss Sears.

Bowling Activity

Cost: $35 per person *We will need a minimum of 30 people for this activity. Tickets must be purchased by tomorrow - Thursday, Nov. 2nd at 4pm. For questions, please see Bro. Romero or Miss Sears.